~ a Parisian oddity ~
We Are All Transformational Coaches
This is my coaching web site so I’m going to focus on my coaching, but like you and everyone else, I am much more than what some random job title or CV would suggest and which doesn’t tell half the story.
I’ve been living and working in and around Paris for 26 years. When I first arrived I taught general and business English, and for the last few years I’ve been coaching people from all walks of life, both in France and on-line around the world.
As I said, I don’t just help people to make the most of their lives. Originally from Britain, I found my creative muse in the French capital. Under “Lady Eiffel’s” influence I paint, photograph and write prose and poetry which I publish daily.
What Is Transformational Coaching?
As a transformational coach, I help you to see clearly where you are in your life at the moment, to imagine exciting new possibilities for your future, and how you can head towards them with enthusiasm and inspiration. This will often include setting and reaching challenging goals, but it certainly doesn’t have to.
My personal approach combines the profound change possible with transformational coaching with a strong creative flair. My objective is to help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life, starting right now, by expressing your true creative potential in a way that is perfect for you.
The reason I say we are all transformational coaches is that no-one has better ideas for making your life great than you do yourself. My job is to help you discover the amazing potential that is already inside you and to let it out in all its glory. In time you will become your own great coach – I help get you started!

We Are All Infinitely Creative
I believe everyone has limitless potential to be infinitely creative, whoever and wherever they are. Creativity comes in a huge variety of forms and all we have to do is be open to helping it come through and it always will.
Creativity is about having great original ideas for wonderful inventions or innovative solutions to problems and actually following through on them. For the record, being creative has very little to do with qualifications or job titles or even personality. We are all born creative but society often smothers this natural ability. Luckily, together we can reverse that.
Creativity At The Heart Of My Approach
Coaching focuses on the person being coached but it is also a rich human interaction. I call on my own creative inspiration in the form of street photography, chronicle writing and other artistic forms, as well as a deep passion for music and a love of the history and curiosities of Paris to inspire and motivate my clients to tap into their own unique creative potential.
I won’t drown you in my various qualifications or heavy life-changing experiences, although I have a few of both. I’m far more excited about showing you what I’ve just produced this week, in the hope that it will motivate you to learn, create and share as well. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than inspiring others to bring new richness into the world, be that a modest poem or picture, a reignited relationship or career, or a whole new life; the choice is up to you!

We Are All Utterly Unique
You have a great many gifts, countless strong points and an enormous amount to offer to yourself and others. No one has what you have and you are not in competition with anyone; you are, quite simply, unique.
Unfortunately, much of human society is built around killing this idea, getting us to conform to lowest common denominator standards and making sure our individual genius never soars. And we wonder why we don’t feel fulfilled or even just a little bit happy.
That’s why I have eliminated or completely redefined words such as success, failure, perfect, imperfect and comparison. Entire industries are based on making us feel not good enough unless we buy their stupid products, and I don’t buy it, and neither should you!
Together, we will focus on what your real passions and areas of genius are, because that is where you will shine like no one else. Things that trouble you or where you feel inferior or inadequate will be put in their proper place and won’t bother you again.
Your Life Experiences Are Where The Gold Is
You have probably been through many ups and downs in your life, as have I. It wasn’t easy, but even in my darkest moments I was able to get through them by holding up the bright light of optimism and creativity to make the shadows recede and fade. We don’t have to forget our past, and we can enjoy many of our memories and learn from them, but we don’t live there anymore. The present is a much more rewarding place to be, and that’s where the focus is in coaching, to make the most of today and all the future todays to come.
My love for life and my fascination with the human experience has always seen me through. My British sense of humour has helped too. I’ve reached a place where I’m fundamentally OK with where I am right now, and I’d like to help you discover that place too.
We’re all part of an incredible, “once-in-a-lifetime” adventure, with so much to discover, enjoy and share. Everything we do adds another little puzzle piece to the giant jigsaw of our time here, and our lives are all intertwined in ways we can’t even imagine. Let’s make the most of it together, it’s much more fun that way and who knows what might happen?
*With special thanks to my son, Léo, seen in three of the pictures above, who often accompanies me around Paris on my street photo shoots, when I’m not accompanying him on his tireless exploration of the Paris metro; to each their folly!

Coaching’s about YOU
but until we meet, here’s more me…