Meet The Well-being Hacker !
Karen DiMarco describes herself – because I’m darned if I can describe her… – variously as a nurse, mom, medical science-geek, business woman, refined butt-kicker, well-being hacker and exploiter of unconventional ways of being deliriously happy. Sounds good to me!
After 22 years in nursing, Karen had an experience in 2011 she describes as “a coming home”. This epiphany, “on the floor of a closet in a puddle of snot and tears”, led to 26 years of eating disorders and mental and physical illnesses to melting away in a matter of weeks.
Nowadays, as a powerful transformational coach with a unique approach, she helps the “discouraged, sickly and stuck” to realise that the mind and the body are not disconnected. Sorting out our misunderstanding of the mind leads to a profound healing effect on the body, and Karen loves guiding people to their greatest level of health, happiness, and human potential by ending the battle with themselves and how they’ve decided things ‘ought to be.’
Karen’s flagship program is called Weightless – Take the Weight of Your Body Off Your Mind, where she takes people on a profound 8-week exploration leading to a far healthier way of thinking about diet and general well-being.
Watch this week’s episode to discover Karen’s lively and lighthearted approach to helping people discover that our as-good-as-it-gets “factory default setting” is actually amazing, if we can just get back to it!
Web Sites: GetKare ~ Karen DiMarco
Facebook: Karen DiMarco