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“First Love Yourself (& Mandalas!)”
~ with Nathalie Dadian ~
Meet The FLY Woman !
Nathalie Dadian is a therapeutic art life coach and her creative and healing tool of choice is beautiful, colourful and highly symbolic mandalas. She runs the hugely popular Mandalas of the World Facebook group and paints the most amazing mandalas herself.
As well as producing a beautiful piece of art, creating mandalas in a coaching context allows people to express themselves much more powerfully than with words alone. Nathalie herself discovered mandalas at at very difficult time and the positive effect they had on her, she says, literally saved her life.
Nathalie is Australian with French roots and she is currently rediscovering her Gallic origins in Nice in the south of France. Both myself (Sab) and Marie-Louise (my Creative Coaching Café co-host) live near Paris, so there’s a certain French flavour to this week’s show!
Nathalie’s new project is called The FLY Movement and she tells us all about it and how you can get involved. FLY stands for First Love Yourself, and it’s about raising your self-esteem and appreciating just how great you are right now, in order to spread the love from an overflowing cup and we totally support her in that! Thank you Nathalie for a great show and see you soon.
Facebook: FLY Movement ~ Facebook: Mandalas of the World