Meet Your Creative Hosts !
I’m Sab Will, the creator of this web site, and I’ve been in Paris for around 25 years now. I coach people as creatively as possible in and around the French capital, and on-line around the world too. I also publish a daily Paris Photo Chronicle on my Paris Set Me Free web site, called “When Lady Eiffel Smiles”, as part of a crazy 18-year project. Still on the creative side, my abstract art puzzle-pictures are called infinity², my poetry lives at Mystic Rhythms and I may be found on the Pont des Arts in summer bonging a rather splendid musical drum. And I’m a dad, twice, and a granddad once. So there’s that…
Marie-Louise Pereira is French and wears two coaching hats. In French she helps professional women to make mid-career changes and rediscover their enthusiasm and motivation. In English she empowers people to be more confident and joyful in everything they do. Her new English web site is called Uplevel Coaching. Her new French site is under development.
Both Marie-Louise and I will be delighted to chat with you about anything you like that you think we can help you with. Each in our own unique style, we will show you clearly where you are right now, explore creatively where you would like to go, and help you head off confidently in that direction. Taking action will always produce a change, usually very positive and always useful, so… get in touch today!