Are you ready?

Forget yesterday & tomorrow.
Get interested in TODAY.



You are ready.

😆 You are dynamic & enthusiastic
🙃 You are creative and proactive
😉 You are positive and optimistic
😃 You have a burning ambition.


😖 You’re frustrated in your career.
😳 Your creativity is completely stifled.
🙄 You dream of being more productive.
😐 You need clarity, purpose & direction.
😊 You want to finish your $#@% projects!
😵 You long to have much greater impact.
🤩 You wish you could help far more people.
🤗 You’d love some powerful guidance.
😜 You desire a unique approach. Like you.

😎 I can help. (At least 3-5 of the above are a good start!)

Discover Creative Transformational Coaching!

You are utterly unique. As a man or woman, student or professional, partner or parent, manager or entrepreneur, mad mountain biker or passionate panda protector, or simply as a human being there is no-one remotely like you.

My name is Sab, and as your creative transformational coach based in Paris, I am also utterly unique! When two utterly unique people come together to create massive positive transformation, the results will probably be significant, surprising and certainly… unique!

Why transform, and what, exactly?

As your coach, I will support you totally as you move towards impressive objectives and great victories of your choosing. Just as important, though, for me, is to help you feel perfectly happy with where you are right now. This is also known as “enjoying your life”!

Having worthwhile goals to aim for and enjoying each day go hand in hand. Present moment happiness is greatly boosted when we feel we are successfully progressing towards a worthy result each day. And that desirable outcome is reached far more easily when we are fully enjoying our present moments and not worrying about where we’re heading. We’ll get there anyway if we’ve set the direction correctly beforehand.

Many people, however “successful” they may appear on the outside, don’t feel particularly happy. They don’t experience a feeling of rich accomplishment and satisfaction at the end of every day. And they often don’t feel like they are progressing towards anything of much importance at all.

Rethink everything, reinvent anything

By rethinking the way we look at life (the big picture) and how we approach our daily activities (the little details), we can profoundly transform our experience from frustrating and meaningless to exciting and richly worthwhile.

I believe totally in the limitless potential of all people. I also believe that a highly creative approach to life is a powerful way to find deep meaning and enjoy our lives fully on a day-to-day basis.

So, how does it work?

As someone who loves creating things myself, I enjoy working with ambitious and imaginative people who are determined to make the most of their lives but don’t yet feel they have reached anything like their full potential.

Although I offer a large amount of free content, live on-line events and all sorts of inspiring artistic actions, deep transformational coaching requires a fully personalised approach, significant time and a true commitment to the process.

You can find specific details of my Creative Coaching Packages and Paris Retreats by clicking the links, but here are some common themes:

Our coaching sessions together will help you…

❤️  Get crystal clear about your current situation

🧡  Identify frustrations and uproot limiting beliefs

💛  Imagine countless possibilities for the future

🤎  Explore motivation, inspiration & insight

🖤  Enjoy commitment, discipline & responsibility

💚  Set off confidently towards a chosen destination

💙  Understand much more about how life really works

💜  Have fun watching your infinite creativity soar!

❣️  Enjoy your present moments like never before…

That sounds intriguing, what’s the next step?

The next step is simply for you to get in touch for a friendly exchange by email or face-to-face with no obligation and no sales talk! We’ll have a conversation to explore your situation and see what you’re looking for. Whether or not we decide to start working together is something that can be discussed at another time if desired.

The aim of this first contact is for us to meet and for you to get clear on where you are right now and what might be an exciting way forward from here. Defining your current reality and exploring future possibilities in an open and caring setting is an exhilarating and liberating process. We may discover that you are actually OK where you are right now. Or maybe your desire to transform your situation today will be overwhelming and you will want to move forward as quickly as possible. Either case is fine.

Sometimes, after just this first discussion you will have had some powerful insights without spending a penny, and that’s great too! You’ll have a taste of what it’s like to be coached by me, and if you need me again, I’ll be here.

Action beats everything

When you take action, things happen. Those things are very often positive, and if they don’t seem to be, we can still learn lots from them.

The alternative to taking action is to do nothing, stay in your current situation, and at best hope that something better will turn up. Unfortunately, it rarely does, and what’s more, things will often get worse.

Coaches are committed to action-taking. While there may be some deep thinking to start off with, as we adjust unhelpful worldviews to facilitate the desired transformations, we are champions of regular, focused, positive action in the direction the coachee has decided to go.

Installing these small daily steps, turning them into automatic habits and “believing” in them is the simple “secret” to succeeding massively at any endeavour, and a key part of a coach’s work.

What coaching is… and isn’t

Coaching isn’t therapy or counselling, where the therapist or counsellor may delve into your past to try to bring you back from a bad place to something simply resembling “normal”, but not much more.

Coaching isn’t consulting or mentoring, where the consultant or mentor is generally a successful professional in the area you are evolving in who can advise and guide you based on their experience.

Coaching is about listening carefully, asking powerful questions, and deeply understanding the coachee’s current situation and where they want to go. The coach will then help them to overcome hurdles to progress (such as limiting beliefs) and encouraging them to forge ahead with specific tools and attitudes (or “mindsets”) if appropriate.

The transformational coach’s approach

The coach doesn’t have to be an expert in the coachee’s chosen area and, indeed, might be even more effective if they’re not, by bringing a fresh new perspective to the situation.

The coach is non-judgemental and is not responsible for the client’s decisions or future successes or otherwise. The client is. The coach does not have “the solutions” but empowers the coachee to find their own solutions to their unique problems or challenges.

The coach doesn’t mind what transformations the coachee decides to work on, but they will unconditionally support their clients in all their efforts, on condition that the coachee is committed to the coaching process and puts in the required work to bring about positive change. The coach is their client’s biggest fan!

Sab Will, your dedicated Creative Breakthrough Coach

Coaches are free to describe themselves any way they please; some go for a very respectable, rubber-stamped, “industry standard” approach; others prefer a more individual stance.

Personally, I feel completely comfortable with the word “creative”. Over the years I’ve realised that “my thing”, where I’m operating at the peak of my abilities, is a highly individual and personalised style which combines professionalism with enthusiasm, inventiveness and humour. And creativity is everywhere.

This choice certainly isn’t right for everyone, but for those who feel drawn to it, the results can be extremely impressive.

I warmly invite you to get in touch for a friendly exchange with me today and see what we can make happen with your creativity. And things will happen!

Sab, Paris ~ Autumn 2023